Frequently Asked Questions

How does Keywordly index our pages for multiple sites with a 90% success rate?

Google, Bing and Yandex have developed optimized interfaces for submitting website pages. Bing uses IndexNow and Google has developed its own interface called Web Search Indexing API (formerly Indexing API). Keywordly relies on the official Indexing APIs, designed explicitly for this purpose.

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How does Keywordly index more than 200 pages per day on Google?

Google uses a dedicated service account to index 200 pages per day. To index 400 pages or 600 pages per day, Keywordly provides you with a 2 or 3 service accounts. These service accounts act on your behalf within Google Search Console to index pages.

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I read that Google's Indexing API only indexes recruitment pages. Is this still the case?

Yes Google APIs were solely available for the purpose of quickly indexing and updating recruitment pages. However, recently this has changed. For example, on October 23, 2023, they summarize their API this way, "Notify Google Web Search when your pages are updated."

How long does it take to index pages?

Based on our experience, we've observed that pages usually get indexed within the first 24 hours after submission, and in many cases, within just a few hours. However, honestly, we cannot guarantee a specific timeframe for each individual page. Ultimately, Google algorithm decides when and how to proceed with indexing.

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Will the indexed pages show on Google Search Console instantly?

Google Search Console (GSC) indexing report has a time lag due to report's update process. As a result, any pages submitted and indexed may not be immediately visible in the report; they will be reflected once the report has been updated.

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Why does Keywordly requires the service account to have Owner permissions?

Only with Owner permissions can the service account perform its tasks effectively. This can be intrusive, rest assured, this access is only used to Submit a page indexing request or to check Check the status of a page request. You CANNOT use these service accounts to login to Search Console or these securely stored and are never shared with anyone.

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Do you offer discounts?

We've built in discounts at every plan. For larger or custom needs, feel free to reach out to with your request.

What is your refund policy?

We offer refunds. We aim high at being focused on building relationships with our clients and community. Read more about our refund policies.